How to begin and keep the intimacy with your bank account?

Happy end of October (where did it go),

Anyone with a few years of life will tell you, confidence comes in many forms and in varying levels of strength. For example, you may know that you can master a new workout routine and then arrive home to whip up a roast chicken dinner to die for. But maybe you don't trust yourself with home décor when you have the bright idea of stripping and hanging new wallpaper over the weekend. The videos on YouTube made it look soooo easy! We all need a little self-assurance in some areas from time to time, and when we find there’s something that makes our heart skip a beat, it’s a clear sign we need to work on building our confidence. Our money is no exception! When you're pushed a little out of your comfort zones when you’re first learning, as we practice patience, we’ll get there.

“Time to get intimate with your bank accounts"

Hold on, what are you suggesting, this is getting weird!? Did you know, up until nine years ago, I had a roller-coaster relationship with money? I worked ALL the time, often seven days a week for countless hours...but....there never seemed to be enough money coming in. Money was being earned, but I lacked the smart money practices and basic financial literacy that would have helped me make responsible decisions. I'm not talking about decisions such as how to invest in the stock market but money decisions we all make on a daily basis. At the time I was rebuilding from a foundation with bankruptcy cracks in it. While they tell you that you can rebuild, what they don't tell you is it's much more difficult and shameful. You have zero, no credit, a scarred background, and very few companies willing to help you begin again, even correctly. It was around year six after the bankruptcy that a glimmer of rebuilding began to materialize.

Deciding to take a deep dive into the world of learning and developing smarter decisions is your first step. When you do, financial literacy and confidence begin to skyrocket. To be debt-free, have a fully-funded emergency fund, and when a splurge at your favorite wine shop happens, it's ok. You're prepared and it's much less stressful.

To do this, start by getting intimate with your bank account. It's "Money Date" time for you girl! Light a sensual candle, pour yourself a glass of wine or favorite beverage, turn the music on softly, hit your spreadsheet tab with enthusiasm, and log into all of your money apps. It's time to get to know your finances on a deep and personal level. Are you ready?

Promise yourself one thing first! No condemnation or negative self-talk is allowed. We're learning and growing through this first step. Pull your statements for the past three months and take a REAL look at where you’re spending your hard-earned cash. Do you have recurring charges that you completely forgot about? Perhaps monthly subscriptions from three years ago? Is that really a double charge? Be honest with what you need versus what you can do without and, hallelujah! You’re one step closer to understanding your financial path and the basic money decisions.

If you find yourself struggling through your first money date, it's ok. All first dates are awkward! Stop and come back to it later in the day or the following evening. The first few times I did this, it was freaking hard! A couple of months later it became easier and less intimidating. Remember, no negative self-talk during this time. We made mistakes, now we know. We're learning to undo and think through the things that didn't work for us before.

Imagine, six months from now you could discover who you are and what you now enjoy in this new chapter of life. The truth is you don't need to feel guilty about enjoying your money and creating the life you want. This is my area of passion, helping you discover intimacy with your bank accounts.

Click here to schedule on my calendar. Need even faster help drop an email to

Your Money Coach,

Roxanne Langley & Associates

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